Reddit how to play city of heroes
Reddit how to play city of heroes

reddit how to play city of heroes

The endgame crafting was a cascading nightmare at times (trying to figure out the math of how many pieces of each component I'd need gave me headaches when the results came out), the scale never really felt right (especially in the city for some reason) and after a while it just bugged me that my Swinging movement character could soar high over the Canadian wilderness without having anything above him for his grapple line to latch on to. Again, great customization and I did have a lot of fun with some of the movement powers there, but after a while the shine started to fade. I do give it full credit for its customization, though.Ĭhampions Online did click for me, and for a while I was playing both CO and DCUO. Just something about it that didn't click with me.

reddit how to play city of heroes

But the taste of it that I had wasn't enough to get me to subscribe and start playing.

reddit how to play city of heroes

When City of Heroes came out, it grabbed my attention right off the bat being a super hero MMO in a fantasy-filled MMO landscape. Right now I've got to give the nod to DC. Add to the fact that the game's IP comes from a very popular comic/media industry, and you have a recipe for a superhero/supervillain MMO that has the potential to thrive for years to come (if treated properly, of course). Between an epic and ever-expanding storyline, unique combat system, top-notch voice acting, and the ability to truly feel like my own character, I don't feel like anything else comes close to it. While there are still quite a few hiccups with this game (many improvements can still be made), something about it still keeps me always coming back for more. I've never personally played City of Heroes/Villains or Champions Online, but I'd still have to go with DC Universe Online mostly because City of Heroes/Villains is no longer around to compete with (but the nostalgia of that game for those that did play it remains the same), and I feel that Champions Online doesn't have nearly the amount of iconic content (gameplay, setting, or character-wise) that DC Universe Online has.

Reddit how to play city of heroes